'In the context of beekeeping, biosecurity can be defined as a set of preventive measures designed to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of pests or diseases in bees.'
AHBIC Biosecurity Code of Practice
Biosecurity for bees and beekeeping
In this presentation, Trevor Weatherhead, AM provides a range of strategies for ensuring that beekeeping practices are conducted in such a way as to respect issues of biosecurity.
Presenter: Trevor Weatherhead, AM
Trevor started keeping honey bees in 1972. He spent time in the Queensland Forestry Department (1967 to 1983), and in the Queensland Department of Primary Industries as an Apiary Officer from 1983 to 1988.
In 1988 he started a partnership with his wife, Marion, breeding queen bees for the domestic and overseas markets plus honey production until the business was sold in 2012.
Trevor has been active in the beekeeping industry since joining the Queensland Beekeepers’ Association in 1977.
Positions and achievements in the industry have been:
- President and life member of the Queensland Beekeepers Association (QBA) plus President of the Brisbane Branch of the QBA.
- President and Secretary of the Australian Queen Bee Breeders Association.
- Active in securing markets for queen bees overseas in such places as Canada and the USA, when it was open.
- Treasurer of the Federal Council of Australian Apiarists Association.
- Secretary for the Second and Third Australian Bee Congresses held in 1988 and 2018.
- Been involved with the Brisbane Show (Ekka) since 1979.
- Filled many roles as the Honey Court Manager, Honorary Council Steward and honey judge.
- Executive Director of the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council from 2012 to 2019 plus several terms on the Executive prior to taking on the Executive Director role. Awarded the Goodacre Memorial Award for Meritorious Service to Apiculture in 2002.
- Active in biosecurity within the industry and awarded the David Banks Biosecurity Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016.
- Made a member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2018 for services to the beekeeping industry, particularly in biosecurity.
Presentation Synopsis
In this presentation, Trevor Weatherhead discusses what is meant by biosecurity, useful resources and courses and strategies for improving beekeeping biosecurity practices including: Good record keeping; Barrier systems; and Recognising diseases.
Additional information
To view Trevor’s PPT presentation, please click on the link below.
Biosecurity for Bees and Beekeepers
To download the AHBIC Biosecurity Code of Practice, please click on the link below.
ARBIC Biosecurity Code of Practice

Presentation Sponsor: MyApiary
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