'Honey bees, are essential for successful pollination of almond flowers and the long-term sustainability of the Australian almond industry'.
Almond Board of Australia
Honey Bee best management for Australian almonds
In this presentation, Almond Board of Australia (ABA) Industry Development Officer Ben Wiblin provides an overview of the ABAs best management practices to promote bee hive health.
Ben Wiblin
Ben is part of the industry development team responsible for delivering the Australian Almond Industry Innovation and Adoption Program. He works closely with almond growers and industry stakeholders to extend the latest knowledge and research findings and address industry issues. Ben is involved in work being undertaken at the Almond Centre of Excellence experimental orchard which trials and showcases new horizon production systems for almond sustainability.
Presentation Synopsis
In this presentation, Ben highlights how the almond industry supports sustainable pollination and provides an overview of the Almond Board Australia’s (ABA) best management practices to promote bee hive health.
Additional information
The Almond Board of Australia recently released a publication titled ‘Almond Board of Australia Honey Bee Best Management Practice for Australian Almonds’. This publication has been developed to assist almond growers, and other stakeholders involved in the pollination process, to nurture the health of honey bees and protect them from environmental factors during their short stay in Australian almond orchards.
Click on the link below to download this publication.
ABA Honey Bee Best Management Practice for Australian Almonds