'Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference, has never met the honey bee.'
Teacher Resources
Welcome teachers to a dedicated part of the SAAA Learning Hive dedicated just to you and your students, to support you in your honey bee educational activities.
The SAAA is keen to promote an awareness of honey bees and their importance to our food security as a society. We know that like most sports and hobbies, the earlier a young person is introduced to new knowledge and skills, the more likely they are to maintain their interest. It is never too early to start educating children about bees and their safekeeping! Indeed, they are potentially the next generation of beekeepers producing honey and honey products and providing vitally important pollination services to the agricultural sector.
To help teachers in this education process, we are pleased to provide some teaching resources. We will continue to add publications, activities and videos to this resource bank as they become available.
We are pleased to provide links to teacher resources published by a range of other organisations interesting in educating young people about bees.
The SAAA is pleased to make available a range of activities that can be downloaded by teachers for FREE to use in their classroom learning activities.
A range fun and informative curated video links will be uploaded to this section, as they become available and/or to our attention. Enjoy!